
While you're having a look at this file you allready know HyperC*M needs a small rework it it's used together with Melody1200xxx.
If you take Twister (an advanced board done by Katodev) you don't need to read the following text but can order Twister1200. There are infos available at our page.

Is the rework required for any serial board?

No, it's not. People were asking for using this special board. Twister f.e. was done with respect of Melody1200xx and other boards. You get it plug it on top of Melody and that's it. We didn't check others up to now.

HyperC*M.device needs a patch?

HyperC*M1.device does not need a patch if you take a new driver version it's said.

Twister.device for HyperC*M available?

Yes, there is even a Twister.device available for HyperC*M which fixes some missing features of HyperC*M compared to Twister1200. Additionally user is independent from its maker and doesn't have to patch a device driver. The added features offer a smoothly running serial interface as a result...stable and low in CPU load.

The device is not free, though. Additionally it's only useable if HyperC*M is used on top of a Melody1200. Please contact t.hansen@katodev.de for shareware conditions for the modified Twister.device.
Why Shareware? Katodev doesn't like to spend work for optimising a product from competition for free.

Back to the rework itself...

It doesn't care which revision of the board is used for first. While the old one used a socket, the new one is soldered directly to PCB.The scaned pictures in this directory show the reworks at two different hardware revisions of the HyperC*M board.

Two things have to be done...1st is a cut of the pin or line (depending on hardware), 2nd is a soldered wire to the connector. At the old board (with socket), it's very easy to cut the line. At the newer board it's best idea to cut a small part of the IC pin at the area it touches the PCB (don't cut the whole pin, it's still required!).

The idea of this work is getting a pin which is isolated from its PCB pad and reconneced to a signal at the connector.

Click for Zoom!

newer board (actual?) old board top view old board bottom view


Katodev reworks HyperC*M for users?

Up to now katodev does the modification for you for free if you're living in europe (transport is probably too expensive from/to oversea) .

If you like to send ous your board, please ask if there is currently time left for such jobs. For sure you'll have to pay the back transport (3 Euro) in advance if you don't order a Melody1200xxx :-)).

Final questions?

If there are questions left simply ask at support@katodev.de. Please take a usefull subject for the mail like HyperC*M Rework: Trouble!


It's not allowed to put the documentation located inside this directory to any other place than your primary storage device (no disc, no CD, no Zip, no online media like ftp or mailbox)!
Everybody who likes to have a look at it, may visit the page him/herselves. Please keep in mind you got this information as a special and free service of katodev.

   Kato Development                High-Performance
   Group                          Hardware for Amiga

  mailto:support@katodev.de      http://www.katodev.de