Digital IO (Toshlink, Cinch)
Codename: MEDIO
- DigitalIO is an expansion for MelodyNG.
- Like all our NG stuff DigitalIO may be
used via Zorro 1200 plus Melody1200,
soon. Using this board Melody1200 is working fine
for Zorro machines, too.
- DigitalIO makes use of an A-LAN Controller.
It offers digital input and output and even allows
networking these devices. The final fuctionality
is not decided up to now.
- DigitalIO offers golden RCAs / CINCH (Twistend-Pair)
and even TOSHLINK (optical, fibre) in- and outputs.
- Late prototyp was shown at Computer'98, Cologne
- Design is ready for series production
- Not available at all dealers for first (due low
numbers are expected)
- contact Gruner Bürotechnik
AMPlifier LCD Output
Codename: ALC
- LCD-Ausgabe is an expansion for MelodyNG
and even plain Amigas.
- The goal of this hardware is the display and control
of AMPlifier without
using a screen. Time played, name, ID-3 Tags etc.
is additionally visable at a 4x40 Dot-Char Display
- Another possibility besides connecting it to Melody's
controll bus is the use of Amiga's build-in Parallelport
(as shown above)
- Amiga with MelodyNG or Amiga with Parallelport
(Chipset only)