28.March 2000
- After a forced long time of standby there are new pages
- some pages were even removed because of expired content
- hyperlinks to foreign pages were romoved completely
- since there were some questions regarding unexpected transmission
results with Twister an Infopage
was created
- the same happed to show all the supported BPS-Rates
of Twister
Dezember 1999
- Our Webseite is not accessable from time to time
- EMails don't get through or get lost
- Why? All 500,000 domains of the webhoster Strato are disconnected.
They're still trying to run all these service via one Sun-Server
one bandwidth provider.
- Polski pages disabled because of strongly expired contents
- Product flyers were reworked and
docs.html dixed, new ones for Medio,
Unity (Zorro1200 in past) and Twister
MK2 done by DCE generated
- Hyper_om
reworks got the pictures back which were not accessable
in past
- Software download fixed
- Mainpage: TOD CGI-Frame...further scripts comming in future
- mayor corrections according to HTML 4.0
- Zorro1200 specs re-newed
- prepared pages for conversation to polski and french
- further old mail addresses replaced (Uups;-)
- seperated page for E-Mail
- some defective hyperlinks fixed
- printable documentation is primary PDF now
- directories can't be scanned...need to do further pages
- Welcome-Page looks different now
- new Domain activated, redirections activated
- all old Emails and Mail links replaced with new
05.April '99
26.March '99
- new device driver for Twister 1200
available (minor fixes for buggy peripherals)
25.February '99
16.February '99
- Entered the color for the links at any page to make even
Voyager show the pages like any other browser.
- Used Page Templates for menu and transformed english and
german pages
- Added a documentation page pointing to manuals, flyers
and other stuff
- removed PS docs and replaced with Laserjet 3 printfiles
- New product announcement: Melody
- Amplifier 1.52 revision available
(minor fixes and enhancements)
- re-newed product flyers placed into proper directory at
download section (deu/eng)
- AMPlifier pages extended for Plug-Ins section
- new AMPlifier and accessories including development kit
for Plug-Ins is online
- some minor things fixed and direct links for downloads
- started to optimise TITLE TAG for getting more usefull
bookmark entries
20.January '99
Cleanup and enhancement of download area:
- manuals for melody1200 online in various formats: TEX,
DVI, PS, PDF (deu/eng)
- flyers for many products available as PDF files (deu/eng)
- bigger scans of products online for use at magazines and
even wb background
- first prototyp of AMPlifier's display online; when ready
there will be an manual in Aminet; attention not verified
15.January '99
- further dealers and distributors entered
- thanks to Tomislav Kitynski who made it possible to activate
a polski version of the Webside
- infos for HyperC*M-Rework at download area online (eng)
01.January '99
- new revision 1.45 of AMPlifier online (deu/eng/fr)
- documentation of AMPlifier was re-done as a guide file,
enhanced and is now online; no longer included in manual
of Melody soundboard (deu/eng)
- new links (distribution and links page)
- new Twister1200 driver supports EOF-speedup-mode for Miami
- new software for Melody1200
09.December '98
- fixed some formating
- fixed all links (even on links.html) and added new ones
- some syntax and grammar was fixed
03.December '98
- first try of new pages
- just converted most of the german stuff to english
- still many things to do some small(?) corrections still
- no further records were used from old pages